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Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro

The process of how we came to be.


Learn about our Mission.


Find out what we make

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Learn about plastics and it's impacts


We are a plastic recycling organization based on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste. In May 2016 co-founders Bernadette Davis and Barry and Lina Hinton of Barry’s Place Eco lodge Atauro formed Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro to address

some of the problems that impact Atauro with regards to marine debris.


Tetun Translation

Ami mak organizasaun halo fali plastiku iha Ilha Atauro ( reciclando), Timor-Leste. Iha Maiu 2016, fundadór sira Bernadette Davis ho Barry no Lina Hinton husi Barry's Place Eco Lodge Atauro forma Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro atu resolve problema sira ne'ebé afeta Atauro relasiona ho lixu maritimu.

  • What types of plastic can you recycle?
    We preferably recycle the types of plastic with the resin identification code "2" which is HDPE. This plastic type is food safe and the easiest types of plastics to recycle. We use plastic bottle tops to recycle as they are most commonly made out of HDPE and are easy to find and collect on Atauro.
  • Who helps with your beach clean ups?
    Local and international schools, tourists, visitors to the island and staff from Barry's Place Atauro Eco Lodge.
  • Where does the marine debris come from?
    The amount of marine debris that is deposited on Atauro Island is dependant on the weather, ocean currents and time of the year. We primarily get the most amount of marine debris during the months of June through to September. This time of year is when there are strong trade winds. For more information please download this pdf.
  • When was Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro established?
    In 2016 Bernadette Davis and Barry Hinton founded the local organisation Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro.
  • What does the name, "Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro" mean?
    Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro translated from Tetun means, "Clean Ocean Team Atauro"
  • What do you do with your funds gained from your recycled products?
    100% of the funds we gain are used to keep running Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro.
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